"Iron Harvest" is a newly commissioned five-piece instrumental composition created by musician and educator Eric Sturr, who publishes music under the moniker Whatever Penny. The album draws direct inspiration from the “Shape, Form & Lights” works of Barney Bellinger. The piece, installed in The Wild Center’s Forest Music immersive sound trail, mixes metallic sounds and instruments with natural sounding harmonies of marimba and violins.
– Emma Lazarus, Passage, Ozymandius, and Longing written by Eric Sturr
– Mechanism written by Franklin Hansen and Emily Ta
– Mechanism written by Franklin Hansen and Emily Ta
– Violin performed by Sarah Franchino
– All tracks mixed by Tim Segado
– Photograph by Richard Sturr
– Artwork by Sean O’Kane
– All tracks mixed by Tim Segado
– Photograph by Richard Sturr
– Artwork by Sean O’Kane